Brain Chemistry, Mood and Amino Acids – Podcast #57
Brain chemistry, mood and amino acids – Podcast #57
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand begin this podcast by sharing patient stories that deal with blood sugar issues and eliminating sugar cravings as well as patients with autoimmune conditions being treated with dietary work and adrenal work. You can reach out to either of them so they can help you put together an action plan on the next steps to do to improve your health. Discover the differences between conventional medicine and functional medicine and how patients’ symptoms are being addressed and what treatments are being given.
They also get into in-depth discussion about brain chemicals and neurotransmitters. Dr. Justin effectively demonstrates the process of the action potential and the neuro conductivity that take place. Find out how long a person should use amino acids therapeutically in order not to create any deficiencies as Dr. Justin explains it thoroughly in this interview and he tells us what other nutrients you need to be taking while on this type of treatment.
In this episode, topics include:
1:15 Patient stories
8:15 Deeper look into amino acids, brain chemistry and mood
17:45 Difference between conventional medicine and functional medicine
19:45 The length of time to use amino acid therapeutically
24:58 Recommend method to get off medication like SSRIs, etc.
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The Brain Gut Connection - Enteric, Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System - Podcast #39
The brain gut connection -Enteric, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
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Our nervous system is the control center of the body. Healthy nervous system function influences digestion, energy, movement and performance. Many people's nervous systems are working on over drive as a results causing hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue and leaky gut. Our digestive system has a nervous system unto it's own called the enteric nervous system. Most people don't realize that our digestive tract has just as many neurons as our brain and spinal chord. Watch this video to learn more about your nervous system.
Gluten Video Series:
Thyroid Hormone Balance Video Series:
Female Hormone Balance Video Series:
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Sci-Friday 10/9/15 | Fuzzy cephalopods, Hidden Brain, soybean mammoth, etc.
Today's topics: glowing turtles, fuzzy cephalopods, a soybean mammoth, Fun Tricks Your Brain Pulls for $500, and the man one-upping Darwin.
Welcome to Sci-Friday! Where I talk to you about what's on my mind concerning science and the world around us, and generally ramble and flail about some cool stuff I've learned about. Coming to your lightbox every Friday.
Disclaimer: None of this research or content is my own, I'm just generally talking about cool stuff I've come upon. If I misquote or am incorrect about stuff, let me know, and my bad. Credit where credit is due, always.
Links! Links! Links!
Bioflourescence in turtles
Fuzzy golden nautilus
Mammoth found in soybean field
Hidden Brain podcast
Jeremy England
Come find me!
Kids are caught drawing on the wall
Mom finds some marks on the wall and has a difficult time figuring out which kid is responsible.
UPDATE: After many years, Reagan finally admitted it was her and she also told us that she faked the bloody nose so that she wouldn't get in trouble.
Now featured on Episode 36 of the NPR Hidden Brain Podcast
How Customers Hidden Brain Makes Decisions Unconsciously Part 1
Are customers influenced by the hidden brain when buying and being loyal to a brand? Can the number of people influence decisions on an individual? Are customers influenced by prices or a deeper emotional decisions? Is there are more practical approach to implement it online than the brunt force of back linking?
Podcast 3 looks at how the consumer are influenced by the hidden brain and how you as a digital internet marketer can implement the power of authority and influence.
Podcast #54: Hidden Observer and Ego States
Visit to learn more about hypnosis, personal improvement, NLP. Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes at OR just search for Brain Software in your favourite podcast app.
Monthly Favorites October 2015
As promised, the recipe for Pakistani coffee:
Other things mentioned:
Korean Nori Snacks:
Lush Cup O'Coffee Mask:
The Hidden Brain Podcast:
Life Is Strange:
Bonus! My piece on Life Is Strange for remshed (no spoilers):
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Theme music: Micro Boogie by 8 Bit Weapon -
Ancient Astronauts Theory Anunnaki Nephilim Ancient Aliens Hidden Secrets Full Documentary
Ancient astronauts proponents suggest that aliens came to Earth and profoundly affected the development of human civilization by manipulating the DNA of prehistoric hominids, citing evidence as found in this ancient Mesopotamian cylinder seal as proof of advanced technological influences
Proponents of the ancient astronaut hypotheses often maintain that humans are either descendants or creations of extraterrestrial beings who landed on Earth thousands of years ago. An associated idea is that much of human knowledge, religion, and culture came from extraterrestrial visitors in ancient times, in that ancient astronauts acted as a mother culture. Ancient astronaut proponents also believe that travelers from outer space, referred to as astronauts (or spacemen) built many of the structures on Earth (such as Egyptian pyramids and the Moai stone heads of Easter Island) or aided humans in building them.[6][7]
Ancient astronauts hypothesis of creation
Proponents argue that the evidence for ancient astronauts comes from documentary gaps in historical and archaeological records, and they also maintain that absent or incomplete explanations of historical or archaeological data point to the existence of ancient astronauts. The evidence is argued to include archaeological artifacts that they deem anachronistic, or beyond the accepted technical capabilities of the historical cultures with which they are associated. These are sometimes referred to as out-of-place artifacts; and include artwork and legends which are interpreted in a modern sense as depicting extraterrestrial contact or technologies.
Legitimate academics have responded that gaps in contemporary knowledge of the past need not demonstrate that such speculative ancient astronaut ideas are a necessary conclusion to draw.[8]
Thomas Gold, a professor of astronomy, suggested a garbage theory for the origin of life, proposing that life on Earth might have spread from a pile of waste products accidentally dumped on Earth long ago by extraterrestrials.[9]
Artist rendering of the suspect FOXP2 protein
The genetic argument
Ancient astronaut creation theorists believe that language is a gift from the gods. Hypothesis proponents argue that the Forkhead box protein P2 (FOXP2) gene, which research shows to be linked with language,[10] is of extraterrestrial origin. The hypothesis contends extraterrestrials are responsible for giving mankind the ability to communicate, use tools, manipulate fire, socially organize and interact symbolically with one another. The ancient astronaut creation hypothesis further argues the possibility that all life on Earth is of extraterrestrial origin.
Genetic research and brain evolution
In 2004, researchers at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, at the University of Chicago, Illinois, conducted a study and found human genes that control the size and complexity of the brain have undergone rapid evolution in humans, and that mammals and other non-human primates had not evolved in this manner.[11] Ancient astronaut creation theorists believe that this evolution is the result of extraterrestrial beings manipulating the DNA of early hominids as well as natural selection.
Hypothesis origins and proponents
A physiologically manipulated Nazca skull (housed at the Museo Regional de Ica in Peru). AAC theorists claim the culturally-based practice came about in as a societal attempt to emulate the bone structure of ancient alien visitors to earth.
Paleocontact or ancient astronaut narratives first appeared in the early science fiction of the late 19th to early 20th century. The idea was proposed in earnest by Harold T. Wilkins in 1954; it received some consideration as a serious hypothesis during the 1960s; and has been mostly confined to the field of pseudoscience and pop culture since the 1970s. Ancient astronauts appear as a feature of UFO religions (beginning in 1967), with the Scientologist 'Scripture, and followed by Raelism (1974), and others.[citation needed]
Alfred Russel Wallace
This section contains information of unclear or questionable importance or relevance to the article's subject matter. Please help improve this article by clarifying or removing superfluous information.
The AAC hypothesis challenges Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection. Proponents of the hypothesis cite the research and theory developed by one of Darwin's contemporaries, Alfred Russel Wallace, as at least partial basis for their beliefs. According to the ancient astronaut theorist, Craig Stanford, the theory of evolution by natural selection is inaccurate because Darwin had no means to gain a clear understanding of the amount of time that had passed since early hominids had started to walk upright, began the use of tools, and developed language.
Wallace believed that an unseen creative spirit had interceded three times on planet Earth. First, to create life from inorganic matter; second, to create conscio
Meine 10 Lieblingspodcasts
Podcasts sind vermutlich eine Erfindung Gottes. Eine dreisekündige Recherche auf Google hat auch nichts anderes Ergeben, also können wir das vermutlich als gegeben hinnehmen.
Ich höre so 30 verschiedene Podcasts und habe mir mal die Mühe gemacht, weil ihr meine Lieblingszuschauer seid, meine Top 10 in Videoform an euch heranzutragen.
10. VIER -
9. Accidental Tech Podcast -
8. Einhundert DRadio Wissen -
7. TED Radio Hour -
6. Hidden Brain -
5. Surprisingly Awesome -
4. Planet Money -
Auch hier ist jede Folge interessant. Selbst, wenn man denkt, dass das Thema langweilig ist, schaffen sie es daraus etwas großartiges zu machen.
3. This American Life -
Hier könnte ich echt jede einzelne Folge empfehlen. Nehmt einfach eine, die euch gefällt und hört sie ganz an. Es wird euer Leben bereichern.
2. Reply All -
The rats are not what they seem. - Die Folge, in denen das Team einer geheimen Untergrundkünstlerin auf die Spur kommen, die es vielleicht gar nicht gibt?
1. Radiolab -
Colors (Die Mantis Shrimps Episode)
Our world is saturated in color, from soft hues to violent stains. How does something so intangible pack such a visceral punch? This hour, in the name of science and poetry, Jad and Robert tear the rainbow to pieces.
Chimps. Bonobos. Humans. We're all great apes, but that doesn’t mean we’re one happy family. This hour of Radiolab: stories of trying to live together.
Is this kind of cross-species co-habitation an utterly stupid idea? Or might it be our one last hope as more and more humans fill up the planet? A chimp named Lucy teaches us the ups and downs of growing up human, and a visit to The Great Ape Trust in Des Moines, Iowa highlights some of the basics of bonobo culture (be careful, they bite).
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Brain magic | Keith Barry
First, Keith Barry shows us how our brains can fool our bodies -- in a trick that works via podcast too. Then he involves the audience in some jaw-dropping (and even a bit dangerous) feats of brain magic.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on, at
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Heribert Watzke: The brain in your gut
Did you know you have functioning neurons in your intestines -- about a hundred millions of them? Food scientist Heribert Watzke tells us about the hidden brain in our gut and the surprising things it makes us feel.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the Sixth Sense wearable tech, and Lost producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on, at Watch a highlight reel of the Top 10 TEDTalks at
Immortal Mind: Does the Human Consciousness survive beyond the Brain - Paranormal Podcast - Science
Philosopher of science, Ervin Laszlo joined us on Tuesday, January 13th to discuss what the human consciousness is and is not.
Get the Book @
Who is Ervin Laszlo
Ervin is a Philosopher, but he isn't interested in the technical parts as much as he is on gaining knowledge about reality including humanity. If we have limited or no knowledge on certain things, this is what Ervin is really interested in exploring.
Akashic Paradigm
[00:00:01] Music Intro
[00:00:22] Bob Bain: From Nashville, Tennessee and broadcasting throughout the world, you have now crossed over to -- The Farside. On Today's edition we will explore the human consciousness; it starts and ends with the following question: Does our consciousness -- mind, soul, or spirit -- end with the death of our body?
[00:00:48] Joining us from Italy, our guest is Ervin Lazlo. Ervin is an esteemed philosopher of science.
[00:00:57] Without further ado -- Ervin, welcome to The Farside.
[00:01:01] Ervin Laszlo: Ok, Bob. Thank you, it's good to be with you.
[00:01:04] Bob Bain: It's great to have you here with us. Your latest book, The Immortal Mind: Science and the Continuity of Consciousness beyond the Brain was a fascinating read. Would you give us an overview of who you are, and what led you into researching the outskirts of science -- including the survival of consciousness outside the brain?
[00:01:27] Ervin: Well Bob, you know I'm supposed to be a philosopher but I am really a kind of philosopher who is interested not in the technical parts -- but is interested in knowing something about what what we can believe is reality, is the world, including ourselves. So I look at things that I don't really know.
[00:01:47] I'm interested in things I don't know, and if it's something that is not very well known or not really known in today's world then I'm really interested in it. This idea of what is the nature of reality is one thing that they're beginning to get a good grasp on but the idea of what is consciousness and whether consciousness persists within the brain or also beyond the brain -- that is something that is now coming up more and more in serious research and into the public eye everywhere.
More to come....
Editorial Reviews
“Combined with a discussion of quantum physics, Laszlo and Peake present a convincing case for nonlocal consciousness. A most enthralling read that highlights we are undergoing a very exciting paradigm shift.” (Penny Sartori, Ph.D., RGN, author of The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences)
“We are entering in to a new paradigm of understanding consciousness and its relationship with the brain and beyond. In The Immortal Mind, Laszlo and Peake provide a concise and lucid overview of the data for consciousness beyond the brain. Exploring a revolutionary new mechanism of consciousness-brain interactions using the principles of modern science such as quantum physics and string theory, this book is a welcome addition to the current paradigm shift of consciousness and a great asset for any student of the subject.” (Manjir Samanta-Laughton, M.D., author of Punk Science and The Genius Groove)
“In this important and well-written book overwhelming evidence is provided for the continuity of consciousness after physical death. After reading this wonderful book it seems obvious that we are and always will be instantaneously interconnected with each other, because our eternal consciousness will never end; it is beyond time and space. We are then forced to reconsider the never proven hypothesis that the brain produces mind. Highly recommended.” (Pim van Lommel, M.D., cardiologist and author of Consciousness Beyond Life)
“Hands down, this is the best collection of evidence from near-death experiences, apparitions, after-death and medium-transmitted communication, past-life recollections, and reincarnation ever put together. Laszlo and Peake skillfully weave all of this into the deeper dimensions of consciousness and creation, what many call the Akasha, to establish the immortality of the soul and the purposefulness of the human experience. Real, irrefutable evidence.” (P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D., author of The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences)
“Finally, leading scientific theory meets highly suggestive research for the continuity of consciousness after physical death. As a result, The Immortal Mind routs the dead-end dogma of scientific materialism like no other book you’ll read.” (James O’Dea, former president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS))
About the Author
Ervin Laszlo is a systems scientist, integral theorist, and classical pianist. Twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, he is the founder and president of the international think tank the Club of Budapest as well as the Ervin Laszlo Center for Advanced Study. He lives in Tuscany.
Bob Bain's Paranormal Podcast
lászló ervin
Vanessa Van Edwards | How to Read People Like a Book - The Art of Charm Podcast #281
“I do human lie detection, that’s one of those skills that’s a blessing and a curse.” Vanessa Van Edwards
Imagine what you could do if you could always know what someone else was really thinking – no matter what they were saying to you. How would that change your work life, your life at home and your relationships?
Here to help you do just that is Vanessa Van Edwards of the Science of People, a human behavior research lab. She’s joins the Art of Charm podcast to give us the inside scoop on human behavior, micro-expressions, being a human lie detector and how to read people like a book.
Vanessa Van Edwards has long been fascinated by people’s behaviors. In fact, she thought she would work for the CIA or the Secret Service, until she realized that would mean interrogating people. Instead she opted to combine her interest in people with self-help for the business world, which eventually led to her joining the Science of People.
The work she and her colleagues do there has been recognized around the world and has been featured on such notable media outlets as Fast Company, Forbes and NPR BusinessWeek to name just a few!
In her words, her work combines “sexy science with self-help” and she brings her it to this episode. We talk about how to use non-verbal communication as a secret weapon and the art of decoding hidden messages so you know what people really mean, regardless of what they are telling you.
The finer details of this show include:
-Can you tell someone’s success or power based just on their face? Vanessa tells all.
-What’s the facial feedback hypothesis?
-What’s one of the hardest micro expressions to recover from?
93.6% accurate predicator of divorce – what is it?
-The one micro expression that can open an opportunity to connect with a woman.
And so much more!
In this show, Vanessa and I give you the 7 micro expressions, specific ways to recognize them, and why they are important. From anger and contempt to happiness and sadness, we dive deep into each so you can begin to recognize them in your friends, family, co-workers and romantic interests.
We also talk about mirror neurons, which are like brain copy cats, and they help us “mirror” the person or people we are interacting with to create connections and that feeling of familiarity.
We cover so much in this show and it’s all information you need to know! This is a primary on reading expressions and the scientific research behind it. Even if you aren’t familiar with how to decode body language or how to read other forms of non-verbal communication, you’re going to take away A LOT from this show and you’re going to be able to learn it and use it quickly.
At the Art of Charm, we talk about the mind following the body and the body following the mind so having Vanessa here was a natural fit. I loved talking with her and sharing as much of her knowledge as we could on this show!
Resources from this episode:
Vanessa’s web site:
Vanessa on Twitter @vvanedwards:
Microexpression videos:
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Podcast #144 - Mark Hyman on the Dangers of Fructose - Bulletproof Radio
Dr. Mark Hyman is a family physician, eight-times New York Times Best-selling author, a columnist for the The Huffington Post, and a regular contributor to the Katie Couric Show. He is the founder and medical director of The UltraWellness Center, and has consulted with organizations such as The Clinton Foundation and the Surgeon General on diabetes prevention. Mark comes on Bulletproof Radio to talk about food addiction, the dangers of fructose, and how detoxing can change your life. Enjoy the show!
For more info & to follow Mark:
Mark Hyman -
The Ultra Wellness Center -
Mark’s Huffington Post Archive -
The Blood Sugar Solution -
Twitter - @markhymanmd -
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Mark’s Books:
The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet -
The Blood Sugar Revolution -
The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook -
The UltraSimple Diet -
Ultrametabolism -
The Ultrametabolism Cookbook -
The Disease Delusion -
The UltraMind Solution -
The Immune System Recovery Plan -
The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life -
The Daniel Plan Jumpstart Guide -
The Daniel Plan Cookbook -
Ultraprevention -
Detox Box -
UltraCalm -
Hungry for Change -
Silicon Valley Health Institute -
Standard American Diet (SAD) -
Environmental Work Group -
Food Addiction -
The Hidden Dangers of Skinny Fat (TIME Magazine article) -
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The Art of Living Foundation -
10 Best Optical Illusions of 2014
We check out the official optical illusions of 2014. GMM 464!
All photos and videos used from:
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We are two Internetainers dedicated to giving you a daily dose of casual comedy every Monday-Friday on our show Good Mythical Morning at Thanks for making us a part of your daily routine. Be your mythical best, mythical beast. - Rhett & Link
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Produced by Stevie Wynne Levine
Co-Producer, Camera, Editor: Edward Coleman
Show Graphics Package and Lighting: Ben Eck
Intro Illustration: Kendrick Kidd
Intro Motion Graphics: Eden Soto
Set dresser: Cassie Cobb
Set construction: Jason Inman
Wheel music:
Microphone: The Mouse from Blue Microphones:
Podcast #156 - Kelly Starrett: Systems Thinking, Movement Standards, & Getting Ready to Run
Kelly Starrett is a coach, physical therapist, author, speaker, and creator of a blog that has revolutionized how athletes think about human movement and athletic performance – Kelly founded one of the first 50 Crossfit Affiliate gyms, San Francisco Crossfit, and focuses on performance-based Orthopedic Sports Medicine to help athletes, military personnel, dancers, and average Joe’s achieve elite levels of performance and health. Kelly wrote the New York Times Bestseller, Becoming a Supple Leopard, and his second book, Ready to Run, is available to order now!
Why you should listen –
Kelly comes on Bulletproof Radio to discuss the importance of knowing the difference between addressing a problem instead of the symptoms, why you can’t cheat your physiology, how standing desks in school are benefiting children, and how he is applying human performance principles to public health problems. Enjoy!
For more info & to follow Kelly:
Kelly Starrett -
Mobility WOD -
San Francisco Crossfit -
Mobility WOD YouTube Channel -
Twitter - @mobilitywod -
Kelly Starrett on Facebook -
Ready to Run: Unlocking Your Potential to Run Naturally by Kelly Starrett -
Becoming a Supple Leopard: The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury, and Optimizing Athletic Performance by Kelly Starrett -
Mobility Recovery Bands -
Flow Genome Project -
Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance by Stephen Kotler -
Transient Hypofrontality as a Mechanism for the Psychological Effects of Exercise -
60 Minutes Sports - Crossfit Trainer Kelly Starrett: Master of Motion -
Athletic Footwear: Unsafe Due to Perceptual Illusions (American College of Sports Medicine, 1991) - footwear - unsafe due to perceptual illusions - Robbins 1991.pdf
Born to Run – A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Christopher McDougall -
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Why Vibram 'Barefoot' Shoes Aren't Going Away Anytime Soon (Huff Post) -
Christopher Powers, PhD, PT, FACSM, FAPTA -
Functional Biomechanics of the Lower Quarter (pdf) -
GeneSolve -
Ambien (Zolpidem) -
Carl Paoli (Gymnastics WOD) - -
The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance by David Epstein -
Dr. Stacy Sims -
Osmo Nutrition -
Smudging the Motor Brain in Recurrent Low Back Pain -
2XU Men’s Performance Compression Socks -
2XU Women’s Performance Compression Socks -
Steven Kotler and The Rise of Superman – Podcast #109
2014 Bulletproof Biohackers Conference
Bulletproof products mentioned in this episode:
Upgraded™ Collagen Protein -
Bulletproof® Sleep Induction Mat -
Chilipad™ -
GABAwave™ -
Your real work -- Staying just a bit longer with your challenging projects
Albert Einstein has been called one of the smartest people who ever lived. Yet, he said this:
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.
I find this to be so true. When I am willing to stay just a bit longer with a problem, I am more likely to find a good solution.
So I invite you to look at your work from a higher perspective. Consider your real work today to be *staying just a bit longer* with the challenging project in front of you.
Every time you do this, you increase your willpower muscle. You grow in your self-discipline, or your ability to do what you intend to do, no matter how difficult it is. You also increase your creativity because you give your brain a chance to really work out the problem. Finally, and importantly, you are giving yourself a greater chance of coming across that breakthrough solution that will change your business and your life.
In fact, the road to finding a *great solution* usually requires coming up with a lot of so-so, or even bad/stupid solutions.
I just heard a podcast, Hidden Brain: Originals, where Adam Grant (author of Give & Take, and his new book, Originals) revealed that the most successful creators he studied, were also the ones who came up with the most number of ideas, many of which were _bad ideas._
In other words, to create breakthroughs in your life, to solve all your problems, you need to stay with the problems long enough to come up with (many) different solutions.
When you are willing to come up with many different ideas and try them out, you will inevitably stumble upon great ideas. And in the process, you are growing your ability to be creative.
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The What If? Game Ft. Daniel Radcliffe
What if Daniel Radcliffe was on GMM? GMM #498
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Check out What If? in theaters August 8th!
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We are two Internetainers dedicated to giving you a daily dose of casual comedy every Monday-Friday on our show Good Mythical Morning at Thanks for making us a part of your daily routine. Be your mythical best, mythical beast. - Rhett & Link
Mail us stuff to our P.O. Box
Go to for details.
Produced by Stevie Wynne Levine
Co-Producer: Edward Coleman
Camera: Ben Eck
Editor: Morgan Locke
Production Assistant: Alexander Punch
Production Intern: Chase Hilt
Show Graphics Package and Lighting: Ben Eck
Intro Motion Graphics: Digital Twigs
Intro Music: Pomplamoose
Set dresser: Cassie Cobb
Set construction: Mike Pasley
Wheel music:
Microphone: The Mouse from Blue Microphones:
★ Discover Your Hidden Intuition & Get Answers Fast! | Penney Peirce | The Intuitive Way
Have you ever wanted to get out of your head, to have more trust, or faith in the intuition or the listen voice inside of you, that never steers you wrong, if only you’d listen more. We’ll if so, then do we have the intuitive show for you!
Today we’ll be talking with Penney Pierce, a gifted intuitive and author of the best-selling book, The Intuitive Way: The Definitive Guide to Increasing Your Awareness.
Today we’ll talk about how to increase your intuition, learn how to trust your inner knowing, and why it’s so important these days.
Plus we’ll talk about love over fear, raising your vibrations, and Balfor and Luck Dragons.
Penney Peirce is a respected visionary and clairvoyant empath. She is known for her pioneering work in intuition development and her common-sense approach to spirituality and the development of expanded human capacities. A popular lecturer, counselor, and trainer, Peirce specializes in intuition development, “skillful perception,” and dreamwork. Since 1977, she has counseled tens of thousands of individuals worldwide about life and business direction, and the fulfillment of destiny. Her clients include coaches, psychologists, scientists, and leaders in business, government, and the entertainment industry. She also advises other intuitives and trendsetters in the human potential movement.
Peirce’s work emphasizes the practical aspects of intuitive development, helping people apply “direct knowing” to increase natural efficiency and their enjoyment and participation in life. She teaches that life functions according to innate natural principles, and when we live in alignment with these truths, things work smoothly and effectively. Her work assists people and organizations in uncovering their purpose and action plan, understanding and easing transitions, alleviating burnout, and finding accurate answers to pressing questions.
Penney is the author of six books, including her “transformation trilogy,” comprised of Leap of Perception, Frequency, and The Intuitive Way.
How did Penney become an intuitive.
Can anyone develop their intuition skills?
What was her path to become a ‘spiritual teacher’
What is intuition?
How do you work on cultivating intuition?
Why you need a balance of both hemispheres (spirituality/creative and linear).
How kids are coming in differently today.
How do we work to get more out of our heads and into our hearts
Why we’re moving from the industrial to the information and now to the intuition age
What’s coming for humanity and our transformation
The new criteria we get to use for making decisions
What do you do when you’re frustrated and don’t have a moment to take a deep breath (for instance if you have an angry boss)
How does one begin to get unstuck?
Words of wisdom for kids coming into the world today
An exercise to help get into your intuitive side.
How to shift from the left brain to the right brain
Dr. Sebi - Curing Critical Diseases Naturally with Cell Food
Openupyourmind101 Exclusive Full Interview with Doctor Sebi. Eliminate & Heal Cancer & Aids with Fresh Living Food. Treating Michael Jackson's medical condition. The best type of water available to drink. Eat Healthy & Live 100 Years Longer. How to replenish, revitalize & nourish the body's vital organs. Discussion.
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Vegetables: Amaranth greens – same as Callaloo, a variety of Spinach, Avocado, Bell Peppers, Chayote (Mexican Squash), Cucumber, Dandelion greens, Garbanzo beans, Green banana, Izote – cactus flower/ cactus leaf – grows naturally in California,
Kale, Lettuce (all, except Iceberg), Mushrooms (all, except Shitake), Nopales – Mexican Cactus, Okra, Olives, Onions, Poke salad greens, Sea Vegetables (wakame/dulse/arame/hijiki/nori), Squash, Tomato – cherry and plum only, Tomatillo, Turnip greens, Zucchini, Watercress, Purslane (Verdolaga) / Fruits: Dr. Sebi says, No canned or seedless fruits. Apples, Bananas – the smallest one or the Burro/mid-size (original banana), Berries – all varieties- Elderberries in any form – no cranberries, Cantaloupe, Cherries, Currants, Dates, Figs, Grapes- seeded, Limes (key limes preferred with seeds), Mango, Melons- seeded, Orange (Seville or sour preferred, difficult to find), Papayas, Peaches, Pear, Plums, Prickly Pear (Cactus Fruit), Prunes Raisins –seede, Soft Jelly Coconuts, Soursops – (Latin or West Indian markets), Tamarind
Herbal Teas: Allspice, Anise, Burdock, Chamomile, Elderberry, Fennel, Ginger, Raspberry, Tila, / Spices and Seasonings Mild Flavors: Basil, Bay leaf, Cloves, Dill. Oregano, Parsley, Savory, Sweet Basil / Pungent and Spicy Flavors, Achiote, Cayenne/ African Bird Pepper, Coriander (Cilantro), Onion Powder, Habanero, Sage / Salty Flavors: Pure Sea Salt, Powdered Granulated Seaweed (Kelp/Dulce/Nori – has sea taste) / Sweet Flavors: 100% Pure Agave Syrup – (from cactus) Date Sugar / Grains: Amaranth, Fonio, Kamut, Quinoa, Rye, Spelt, Tef, Wild Rice / Nuts and Seeds – (includes Nut and Seed Butters)
Hemp Seed, Raw Sesame Seeds, Raw Sesame Tahini Butter, Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Pine Nuts / Oils: Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Sesame Oil, Hempseed Oil, Avocado Oil
The Psychology of Eating Podcast: Episode #7 - Extra Weight, A Hidden Emotional Cause
Love this video? Be sure to check out our Psychology of Eating Podcast on I tunes here:
This unique podcast is all about real people and real breakthroughs. For more than 3 decades, Marc David has helped millions discover the true causes of their unwanted eating habits like overeating, binge eating, emotional eating and the inability to lose weight. In this unscripted show, Marc coaches real clients using his unique blend of psychology and nutrition. THEN he peels back the curtain to explain why he asked the questions he asked. Whether you want to transform your relationship with food or learn how you can help others, there’s no better place than the Psychology of Eating Podcast, and there’s no better way than hearing the stories of real people. PLUS - each week you’ll also hear from Emily Rosen, Director of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, with powerful messages designed to inform and inspire you along your transformational journey.
Want a sneak peek? Read part of the transcript below:
Marc: Welcome, everybody. I’m Marc David, founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. And here we are in the Psychology of Eating podcast. I’m here today with Kathryn. Welcome, Kathryn!
Kathryn: Hello! Thank you.
Marc: Yay. I’m glad you’re here.
Kathryn: Thank you. I am, too.
Marc: So let me take a minute and share with viewers and listeners why we’re here and what we’re doing. So Kathryn and I are going to have a session together. And this whole show will last about an hour, maybe a little more, maybe a little less. And I’m going to ask Kathryn maybe fifteen or twenty minutes worth of questions, get a sense of what she’s looking for, where she wants to go.
And from there were going to see if we can take about six months to a year’s worth of coaching and cram it into one session. Why not? So this is an unusual circumstance where we’re kind of pushing the pedal to the metal. And we’re going to go as best as I can for whatever I think that target is that’s going to help you, Kathryn, get where you want to go.
So with that in mind, if you could just wave your magic wand, get whatever you want to get out of this session, what would that look like?
Kathryn: What would that look like? Well, as a student, first and foremost, learning, of course. Secondly, just getting a grip on my own health. I’ve been trying to focus more on that. So getting the grip on realistically where I need to be healthwise.
Marc: So tell me what’s going on with your health. What’s the complaint? What’s happening?
Kathryn: Well, I’m sure a lot of it has to do with weight. I definitely need to lose some weight. A lot of my health issues stem from weight issues. Sore knees. I am borderline diabetic. Tiredness, which I think isn’t it just weight, but that also has to do with a lot of stress going on in my world. But I think that would be a good start. Getting the weight off, de-stressing would be major helps.
Marc: Do you have any other health complaints? How is your digestion?
Kathryn: Digestion seems to go up and down depending on what’s going on in my world. And here lately, it’s been extra rocky. So I have a lot of indigestion that I haven’t had in a few weeks. But with home stuff cropped up, it’s cropped back up.
Marc: Got it. How much weight you want to lose?
Kathryn: I’d like to lose a hundred pounds. And if I lost 100, I’d be 160 pounds. And I don’t think for my height that’s unrealistic.
I’m 5’10.5. So I would like to. But really I’d rather just I think you get to a place where I’m just happy with me. But I do need to lose weight, yes.
Marc: Sure. So when was the last time that you were at that weight that you would like to be now? So a hundred-ish pounds less. When was the last time?
Kathryn: Probably ten years ago.
Marc: What would you say was different to ten years ago?
Kathryn: What was different? Less stress. A lot less stress. I think I started putting on more weight more like twelve years ago. I had a lot of deaths in the family. My husband has been a progressive alcoholic. So that started progressing about ten years ago.
Read the rest of the transcript on our site here:
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Alex Honnold Climbs Angola
Alex Honnold is the most accomplished free climber in the world. Angola is a southwest African country that recently emerged from 27 years of bloody civil war. What brings together these strange bedfellows you ask? Some of the most epic unclimbed rocks in the world, and a community needing help to diffuse the hidden land mines leftover from the conflict. (Plus a shadowy local hotel magnate, but we'll get into that later). This is Alex Honnold in Angola, for one of the most unique adventures of his storied climbing career this far.
Director of Photography - Pablo Durana.
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TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the Sixth Sense wearable tech, and Lost producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on, at
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Ray Kurzweil on Singularity 1 on 1
Ray Kurzweil's impact on my life in general but especially on what I have been doing for the past 3 or 4 years is hard to exaggerate. It is a simple fact that, if I haven't read his seminal book The Singularity is Near, I would be neither blogging nor podcasting about exponential technologies, not to mention going to Singularity University. And so it was with great excitement and some trepidation that I went to interview Dr. Kurzweil in his office in Boston.
Part of my trepidation came from some technical concerns: I wish I could buy a better camera. I wish I could hire a team of audio and video professionals so that I can focus on the interview itself. I wish I did a better job with the set up. I wish I had noticed that Ray's lavalier mic has slipped out of its holder... The list is exponential. Still, if there is one thing that I've learned since I started podcasting is that we do get better. But it takes time. Meanwhile, my consolation is that eventually I will have to do another interview with Ray Kurweil just so I get it right that time. For now, however, I hope that the content will make up for the technical deficiencies.
During our conversation with Dr. Kurzweil we cover a wide variety of topics such as: how and why at age 5 Ray decided to become an inventor; his unique background of being born to Jewish parents but brought up in a Unitarian Church; his early interest in issues such as religious tolerance, poverty, social inequality and justice; 3D printing, open source, patents, progress and intellectual property rights; Watson, AI, the Turing Test and human rights for AI, the technological singularity and criticism thereof; his upcoming book How To Create A Mind and the Pattern Recognition Theory of Mind; the evolutionary advantages of intelligence; the benefits of reverse-engineering the human brain for the creation of AI and whether the latter would be interested in pondering and solving humanity's greatest problems.
My favorite quote that I will take away from this interview with Ray Kurzweil is:
Don't be too concerned about what's practical. Follow your passion and be who you would like to be.
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TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
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Human Evolution - History of Humanity Documentary
Human ( Homo Sapiens Versus Neaderthals) evolution is the evolutionary process leading to the appearance of anatomically modern humans. The topic typically focuses on the evolutionary history of the primates—in particular the genus Homo, and the emergence of Homo sapiens as a distinct species of the hominids (or great apes)—rather than studying the earlier history that led to the primates. The study of human evolution involves many scientific disciplines, including physical anthropology, primatology, archaeology, paleontology, ethology, linguistics, evolutionary psychology, embryology and genetics.
Genetic studies show that primates diverged from other mammals about 85 million years ago, in the Late Cretaceous period, and the earliest fossils appear in the Paleocene, around 55 million years ago. Within the Hominoidea (apes) superfamily, the Hominidae family diverged from the Hylobatidae (gibbon) family some 15–20 million years ago; African great apes (subfamily Homininae) diverged from orangutans (Ponginae) about 14 million years ago; the Hominini tribe (humans, Australopithecines and other extinct biped genera, and chimpanzees) parted from the Gorillini tribe (gorillas) about 8 million years ago; and, in turn, the subtribes Hominina (humans and biped ancestors) and Panina (chimps) separated about 7.5 million years ago.
The basic adaptation of the hominin line is bipedalism. The earliest bipedal hominin is considered to be either Sahelanthropus or Orrorin; alternatively, either Sahelanthropus or Orrorin may instead be the last shared ancestor between chimps and humans. Ardipithecus, a full biped, arose somewhat later, and the early bipeds eventually evolved into the australopithecines, and later into the genus Homo.
The earliest documented representative of the genus Homo is Homo habilis, which evolved around 2.8 million years ago, and is arguably the earliest species for which there is positive evidence of the use of stone tools. The brains of these early hominins were about the same size as that of a chimpanzee, although it has been suggested that this was the time in which the human SRGAP2 gene doubled, producing a more rapid wiring of the frontal cortex. During the next million years a process of rapid encephalization occurred, and with the arrival of Homo erectus and Homo ergaster in the fossil record, cranial capacity had doubled to 850 cm3. (Such an increase in human brain size is equivalent to each generation having 125,000 more neurons than their parents.) It is believed that Homo erectus and Homo ergaster were the first to use fire and complex tools, and were the first of the hominin line to leave Africa, spreading throughout Africa, Asia, and Europe between 1.3 to 1.8 million years ago.
According to the recent African origin of modern humans theory, modern humans evolved in Africa possibly from Homo heidelbergensis, Homo rhodesiensis or Homo antecessor and migrated out of the continent some 50,000 to 100,000 years ago, gradually replacing local populations of Homo erectus, Denisova hominins, Homo floresiensis and Homo neanderthalensis. Archaic Homo sapiens, the forerunner of anatomically modern humans, evolved between 400,000 and 250,000 years ago. Recent DNA evidence suggests that several haplotypes of Neanderthal origin are present among all non-African populations, and Neanderthals and other hominins, such as Denisovans, may have contributed up to 6% of their genome to present-day humans, suggestive of a limited inter-breeding between these species. Anatomically modern humans evolved from archaic Homo sapiens in the Middle Paleolithic, about 200,000 years ago. The transition to behavioral modernity with the development of symbolic culture, language, and specialized lithic technology happened around 50,000 years ago according to many anthropologists although some suggest a gradual change in behavior over a longer time span.
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MARS Magazine Ep. 19: NASA women, Kernel brain implant, No Man’s Sky game vs. Simulation Theory
‘Arrival’ puts a new spin on first contact films, Kernel brain chip implant offers a transhuman brain boost (3:24), ‘Hidden Figures’ film highlights NASA’s unheralded women (11:56), ‘No Man’s Sky’ game vs. Simulation Theory (18:53).
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Livelier Than A Scrotum Frog in Lake Titicaca - This Week in Science Podcast - Episode 589
Episode #589 — Livelier Than A Scrotum Frog in Lake Titicaca — This week on TWIS (@TWIScience), hosts Dr. Kiki (@drkiki), Blair Bazdarich (@blairsmenagerie) & Justin Jackson (@jacksonfly) discuss this week's science news. This week's special guest is Phil Rogofsky, Chair of STEMulating Minds and Director of the Maryland STEM Festival (
Dr. Kiki, Blair, & Justin explore the world of science news with a few of the week's popular stories:
(0:00) - Recording Start (maybe?… possibly…)
(0:26) - Show Start, Intro - Dr. Kiki.
(0:56) - Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer! - Justin
(2:40) - Opening Theme Music.
(3:14) - Opening Good Science! Greetings with Dr. Kiki, Blair, Justin & guests. Intros & Top Story Headlines.
(5:10) - Interview with Phil Rogofsky, Chair of STEMulating Minds ( and Director of the Maryland STEM Festival (
(6:14) - How did you get involved in STEM outreach activities & become director of the Maryland STEM Festival? - Dr. Kiki
(8:21) - What is it like organizing a state-wide or regional festival? - Dr. Kiki
(9:07) - And you do all this in your spare time? - Dr. Kiki
(9:20) - How has the STEM festival changed from last year to what you’re expecting for this year? - Dr. Kiki
(10:34) - When will the Strand Theatre Workshop production of STEM Play will happen during the festival? - Blair
(10:54) - What are some of the things at the festival you’re looking forward to? - Dr. Kiki
(11:51) - Blair gets a very “Excited Blair Face” over the mention of Polar Bears!
(12:33) - Is the focus more on events for kids or whoever wants to show up? - Dr. Kiki
(14:54) - Will you be driving around Maryland to check out as many STEM events as possible during the festival? - Dr. Kiki
(16:56) - Excited to be coming to Maryland STEM festival - showed STEM fest web site and went over Dates. - Dr. Kiki
(18:16) - Thank you’s to Phil for the interview. Also —
And a reminder! - TWIS will also be Live! at the Maryland STEM Festival ( at the National Aquarium ( — Blair will be ecstatic!) in Baltimore, MD on November 4th
And onto the news! —
(20:07) - Google creates AI program that uses reasoning to navigate the London tube
(DeepMind!), Dr. Kiki -
(30:40) - Curious tilt of the sun traced to undiscovered planet (Planet X? Planet 9?), Dr. Kiki -
(36:24) - (Capuchin) Monkeys are seen making stone flakes so humans are 'not unique' after all, Justin -
and so it's time for...
(43:12) - Blair’s Animal Corner
(43:28) - Blair’s Animal Corner Theme Music
(43:49) - Azure-winged magpies show human-like generosity, Blair -
(49:22) - (Trigger-) Fish can be fooled – just like humans, Blair -
(54:24) - And we're at the break!
(54:43) - Half-Time Theme Music.
(55:19) - Mentioning Maryland STEM festival again.
(57:02) - This is where you can find out about our Zazzle store ( and supporting us through Paypal ( and Patreon ( Tell more folks about TWIS ( And please leave great reviews for the podcast on iTunes ( More minions, please!
(1:00:38) - Interstitial Music: George Hrab, Skeptic, from the album Vitriol. (
(1:01:17) - And we're back from the break!
(1:01:26) - New tools identify key evolutionary advantages from ancient hominid interbreeding, Justin -
(1:06:54) - New clues to how lithium soothes the bipolar brain may shed light on other mental illnesses, Dr. Kiki -
(1:14:23) - The Higgs Bison! — mystery species hidden in cave art, Justin -
(1:20:21) - ExoMars completes crucial orbit insertion, hope fades for lander, Dr. Kiki -
(1:22:59) - New Horizons Spacecraft Is Approaching a Mysterious Red Object (MU69), Dr. Kiki -
(1:26:30) - Scientists “Switch Off” Self-Control Using Brain Stimulation, Dr. Kiki -
(1:35:18) - That jumping spider can hear you from across the room, Blair -
(1:40:14) - Show Wrap-up & Thank you's.
(1:45:03) - End Theme
And that's all, folks! Except, we still have...
(1:48:38) - The After Show! Including Dr. Kiki & Blair talking in funny accents, the Cover Art discussion for Blair’s Hand Painted Animal Calendar, planning future episode dates and looking forward to Monkey Day.
Listen to the full episode in audio or check out the show notes at our website: !
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Why Tobacco Naturally Makes Addictive Poison
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We all know that cigarettes are bad for us but what we may not know is that one of the more addicting ingredients in those little death sticks is naturally produced by the plant itself.
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“Solanaceae, the nightshade, or potato, family of flowering plants (order Solanales), with 102 genera and nearly 2,500 species, many of considerable economic importance as food and drug plants.
The Dope On Nicotine:
“If it weren't for nicotine, people wouldn't smoke tobacco. Why? Because of the more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, nicotine is the primary one that acts on the brain, altering people's moods, appetites, and alertness in ways they find pleasant and beneficial.
The Nicotine Content of Common Vegetables:
“The presence of nicotine and its metabolite cotinine in the body fluids of nonsmokers is usually taken as evidence of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.
How Nicotine Works:
“You may have discovered the effects of nicotine in your teen years -- as many as 85 percent of adult American smokers admit they got hooked when they were under 21 -- but tobacco has a more substantial history than sneaking a smoke after school.
Toxic Halitosis Protects Tobacco-Eating Caterpillar:
“Way before people started inhaling nicotine in cigarette smoke, plants were using the chemical to defend themselves from animals. Nicotine is a poison, and an exceptionally deadly one.
Addiction To Nicotine:
“Addiction to tobacco kills one person prematurely every six seconds. One in two long-term smokers—largely in low- and middle-income countries —will die from
tobacco addiction.
5 Health Benefits Of Smoking:
“Who says smoking cigarettes is so bad ... well, aside from the World Health Organization, Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and every medical board and association on the face of the Earth?
Hidden Benefits Of Nicotine on The Brain:
“When most people think of nicotine, they think of smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products. Since tobacco products are linked to various types of cancer (e.g. lung cancer from smoking), many people assume that nicotine is inherently evil.
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DNews Plus is built for enthusiastic science fans seeking out comprehensive conversations on the geeky topics they love. Host Trace Dominguez digs beyond the usual scope to deliver details, developments and opinions on advanced topics like AI, string theory and Mars exploration. DNews Plus is also offered as an audio podcast on iTunes.
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Welcome to the Brain Candy Podcast YouTube Channel
Susie and Sarah invite you to join them on The Brain Candy Podcast YouTube Channel. The silliest smart girls from MTV's The Challenge are now supplying you with all the behind-the-scenes commentary from your favorite guilty pleasure. Enjoy and don't forget to subscribe!
The Psychology of Eating Podcast: Episode #17 - Trauma and Weight Gain: The Hidden Connection
Love this video? Be sure to check out our Psychology of Eating Podcast on I tunes here:
This unique podcast is all about real people and real breakthroughs. For more than 3 decades, Marc David has helped millions discover the true causes of their unwanted eating habits like overeating, binge eating, emotional eating and the inability to lose weight. In this unscripted show, Marc coaches real clients using his unique blend of psychology and nutrition. THEN he peels back the curtain to explain why he asked the questions he asked. Whether you want to transform your relationship with food or learn how you can help others, there’s no better place than the Psychology of Eating Podcast, and there’s no better way than hearing the stories of real people. PLUS - each week you’ll also hear from Emily Rosen, Director of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, with powerful messages designed to inform and inspire you along your transformational journey.
Want a sneak peek? Read part of the transcript below:
Marc: Welcome, everybody. I’m Marc David, founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. And here we are in the Psychology of Eating podcast. And I’m with Kathleen today. Welcome, Kathleen.
Kathleen: Hi, David!
Marc: Right! So here’s what I want to say. Let me just give you a few words to people who haven’t seen this podcast before. So in the Psychology of Eating podcast, what we’re going to do is were going to have a session. And I’m going to work with Kathleen on, Kathleen, what ever you want to work on. And we’re going to try to condense about six months to a year’s worth of coaching into about one session.
So, impossible as that is, the idea is to give you whatever you would need to kind of move forward, have a breakthrough, get on the right path, get clear, and just really accelerate the process of you getting to where you want to go. So it’s a bit of an artificial situation. But I find that it really works. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to ask you a bunch of questions for about fifteen or twenty minutes. And I’m going to put together my thoughts. We’ll go for about an hour total.
And, Kathleen, if you could wave your magic wand and get whatever you wanted to out of this session, what would be the outcome?
Kathleen: The outcome would be for me to find that thing, that part of me that has not been able to unlock, I guess, to move forward and lose some weight. That’s my biggest goal. While I think and believe I’m healthy and not on any medications, I still hold the weight that I’ve had all my life.
So I stopped putting on weight for probably a couple of years now, and lost a few kilos. But I feel like there’s just something that I’m not seeing because I’m too close to myself to be able to see it. So I do want to lose weight.
Marc: Okay. That makes total sense. How much weight do you want to lose?
Kathleen: Probably about forty kilos.
Marc: Forty kilos. And roughly when do you think was the last time you weighed forty kilos less?
Kathleen: Probably twenty years ago.
Marc: And can ask how old you are now?
Kathleen: Yeah. I’ve just gone forty-six.
Marc: Happy birthday! All right.
Kathleen: Thank you.
Marc: So the last time you weighed forty kilos less, you were about twenty-six years old. And before age twenty-six, how was your weight?
Kathleen: I was still always big and probably more unhealthy then. I was still agile, still able to do exercise. I still played sport, all of those sorts of things, but always carried the weight. So as I grew up, I was always slowly increasing.
Marc: And in your mind, what do you attribute the weight gain to? And this doesn’t have to be the right answer. But when you think about it, what do you think?
Kathleen: I think one part of it is that it’s a been something that is to teach me, I guess, my purpose in life, which has been a recent revelation knowing that my weight has been a gift to be able to help me work with other people and make it my career.
The other part of it is I believe it is emotional. It is to do with childhood traumas into adulthood, as well, having not been any other way than always the overweight kid. Yeah, I believe a lot of it has come from not just my own childhood, but a collective thing with parents and their parents and that collective stuff. I’m the youngest of seven and the only girl.
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Mark Passio WOEIH Podcast 001 FULL With Slides
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Date: 2010-03-30 Topics: Truth, Deception, Solipsism (The Biggest Lie), Consciousness, the Human Brain
Mexican Standoff
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Two cops get more than they bargained for when they face down a ruthless criminal...
Special thanks to Key & Peele for appearing in our video! Freddie will be in their Halloween episode on October 30th at 10:30 PST
Music by John Robert Matz ( )
Sound by Kevin Senzaki
VFX by Arnold Aldridge and Tanner Merrill
Camera by Ben M. Waller
Agent - Keegan-Michael Key
Cortez - Jordan Peele
Asian - Freddie Wong
Cop - Brian Firenzi
Cop - Alec Owen
Police Photographer - Lauren Haroutunian
Hacker - Arnold Aldridge
Sniper - Jamie Lukaszewski
Wife - Ellary Porterfield
Kidnapper: Jake Andrews
Dead Body - Danny Vink
Written By: Matthew Arnold, Will Campos, Brian Firenzi
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AJ Show Monday 5/23/16: Wayne Madsen, Texas Shrugged Novel
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-- Date: May 23, 2016 --
Today on The Alex Jones Show
On this Monday, May 23 edition of the Alex Jones Show, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reveals how the NSA and DHS are “nationalizing” the presidential election by spying on campaign computers. This could eradicate what remains of our free elections. We also look into just how George Soros backs terrorism and, in other news, police are gearing up for riots in Baltimore after a jury found Officer Edward Nero not guilty in the death of Freddie Gray. Tune in!
Matthew McKinley - Texas Shrugged is a novel that presents a fictitious account of a Texas secession movement from the United States. What does one of the last bastions of freedom left in the country do when presented hidden information passed down from the Founding Fathers that is then ignored by our Federal Government? What does President Obama do when Texas decides they have had enough! Will the movement be peaceful or will violence erupt?
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Gnostic Media interviews David Asprey: Bulletproof Coffee: Revisiting Fat and Health - #166
This episode is with an interview with David Asprey, part 1, titled Bulletproof Coffee: Revisiting Fat and Health and is being released on Sunday, May 26, 2013. This interview with Burt and Tom was recorded on Wednesday, May 20, 2013.
Dave uses a combination of nutrition, nervous system training, and anti-aging technologies to improve the performance of the human body and mind.
Dave Asprey is a Silicon Valley investor, biohacker, and entrepreneur who spent 15 years and $250,000 to hack his own biology. He upgraded his brain by more than 20 IQ points, lowered his biological age, and lost 100 lbs without using calories or exercise.
The Financial Times calls him a bio-hacker who takes self-quantification to the extreme of self-experimentation.
His writing has been published by the New York Times and Fortune, and he's presented at Wharton, the University of California, and Singularity University.
Dave has been covered on video on CNN, ABC News, Nightline, Forbes, and MSNBC. In print, he's been featured in Men's Health, Forbes, Fast Company, the Los Angeles Times, and Vogue.
Dave's Bulletproof Executive blog was born out of a fifteen-year single-minded crusade to upgrade the human being using every available technology. It distills the knowledge of more than 120 world-class MDs, biochemists, Olympic nutritionists, meditation experts, and more than $250,000 spent on personal self-experiments.
From private brain EEG facilities hidden in a Canadian forest to remote monasteries in Tibet, from Silicon Valley to the Andes, high tech entrepreneur Dave Asprey used hacking techniques and tried everything himself, obsessively focused on discovering:
What are the simplest things you can do to be better at everything?
Knowing this leads to being bulletproof, the state of high performance where you take control of and improve your biochemistry, your body, and your mind so they work in unison, helping you execute at levels far beyond what you'd expect, without burning out, getting sick, or just acting like a stressed-out jerk. It used to take a lifetime to radically rewire the human body and mind this way. Technology has changed the rules.
How technology influences our brains | Guy Raz, NPR’s TED Radio Hour
Learn how you can use data and science to make work better at
Guy Raz, host and editorial director of TED Radio Hour, talks about how ubiquitous technology and the emergence of smartphones affect brains and relationships.
Americans spend five hours in front of devices and children spend seven hours in front of screens every day, but the long-term consequences aren’t understood. These devices can enhance life but they can also negatively impact memory, attention spans, and interactions with others. If technology offers both promise and peril, Raz suggests that technology must also play a role in preventing brains from going astray.
This video was recorded at the re:Work 2016 event.
Podcast #189 – Jim Kwik: Speed Reading, Memory, & Superlearning
Jim Kwik is the CEO of Kwik Learning, and founder of SuperheroYou, an annual learning conference that helps people to discover and harness their own unique abilities (or superpowers!) to increase their creativity, learning, problem-solving, and overall performance. Jim’s work utilizes cutting edge techniques that educate people on how to boost their brain power to improve memory, learn how to speed-read, and accelerate their learning curve. He has shared the stage with luminaries such as the Dalai Lama and Richard Branson, and is a highly sought after coach and trainer, with clients that include Nike, Zappos, Virgin, Fox Studios, Harvard University, and many more.
Why you should listen –
Jim comes on Bulletproof Radio, live from the Bulletproof Conference, to discuss how honing your honing your memory can make you more money, why speed-reading is an essential tool for optimal performance, tricks that masters of memory use to retain more information, and some biohacks you can use to improve your memory and reading speed. We’ve also included a special discount coupon for Bulletproof listeners for Jim’s Kwik Learning program! Enjoy the show!
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Richard Branson -
Juggling increases brain power (BBC News) -
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How were harnessing natures hidden superpowers | Oded Shoseyov
What do you get when you combine the strongest materials from the plant world with the most elastic ones from the insect kingdom? Super-performing materials that might transform ... everything. Nanobiotechnologist Oded Shoseyov walks us through examples of amazing materials found throughout nature, in everything from cat fleas to sequoia trees, and shows the creative ways his team is harnessing them in everything from sports shoes to medical implants.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
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Reed Davis | Metabolic Chaos
For more Paleohacks Podcast episodes, make sure to check out
What’s making you gain weight? How about your brain fog and sleep issues? It might be what Reed Davis refers to as metabolic chaos. Davis, famous for his functional diagnostic nutrition approach to health, uses labs to be the body’s detective. Using lab work, Davis helps work out a lifestyle plan that treats the underlying causes of your health ailments—what he calls metabolic chaos—rather than the symptoms alone.
If you’re feeling discouraged about your health, Davis has tangible tips on where to start. Learn how your bones and hormones are intimately connected, how metabolic chaos wreaks havoc on your body and a lifestyle plan that Davis claims can treat almost anything. Ultimately, Davis says, you’ll learn why it’s impossible to be happy without your health.
3:00: “I care about my health, from what I’m breathing to what I’m eating and drinking.”
6:00: “I gave up counting at 10,000:” How Davis’s labs took off.
7:30: Bones and hormones: How the two are intimately connected.
11:00: The H.I.D.D.E.N. problems throughout your body.
14:00: How do your ailments make you unhappy? That’s the key.
16:30: Discouraged? Here’s where you start.
19:00: How metabolic chaos wreaks havoc on your body.
23:00: Where do we see metabolic chaos in our bodies?
25:00: The one program that can treat everything.
26:00: What you need to know about “vital voids.”
28:00: Which tests and questionnaires can give you a snapshot of your insides?
34:00: “Treating symptoms and paperwork is not what I wanted to do.”
38:00: “People realize they’ll never be happy without health.”
For more Paleohacks Podcast episodes, make sure to check out
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How Your Gut Influences Your Mental Health: It’s Practically a Second Brain | Dr. Emeran Mayer
Neuroscientists now think of the gut as a second brain; it independently controls your digestive processes and is in constant conversation with your main brain. What do they talk about? Depression, theorizes Dr Emeran Mayer. Mayer's latest book is The Mind-Gut Connection: How the Hidden Conversation Within Our Bodies Impacts Our Mood, Our Choices, and Our Overall Health (
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Transcript - The Mind-Gut Connection is something that people have intuitively known for a long time but science has only I would say in the last few years gotten a grasp and acceptance of this concept. It essentially means that your brain has intimate connections with the gut and another entity in our gut, the second brain, which is about 100 million nerve cells that are sandwiched in between the layers of the gut. And they can do a lot of things on their own in terms of regulating our digestive processes. But there’s a very intimate conversation between that little brain, the second brain in the gut and our main brain. They use the same neurotransmitters. They’re connected by nerve pathways. And so we have really an integrated system from our brain to the little brain in the gut and it goes in both directions.
The little brain, or the second brain, in the gut you’re not able to see it because as I said it’s spread out through the entire length of the gut from your esophagus to the end of your large intestine, several layers of nerve cells interconnected. And what they do is even if you – and you can do this in animal experiments if you completely disconnect this little brain in the gut from your main brain this little brain can completely take care of all the digestive processes, the contractions, peristaltic reflex, regulation of blood flow in the intestine. And it has many sensors so it knows exactly what’s going on inside the gut, what goes on in the wall of the gut, any distention, any chemicals. All of this is being picked up by these sensory nerves, fed into the interior nervous system, the second brain. And then the second brain generates these stereotypic responses. So when you vomit, when you have diarrhea, when you have normal digestion, all of this is encoded in programs in your second brain. Read Full Transcript Here:
How to Make Someone Sound Like an Idiot
Learn the scientific secret to make someone talk like an idiot. Good Mythical Morning Season 2 Episode 37! **** SUBSCRIBE for daily episodes: ****
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Discovering Ones Hidden Psychopathy
Neuroscientist James Fallon discusses how he came to discover, and how he's learned to live with, the fact that he's a borderline psychopath. Fallon is the author of The Psychopath Inside: A Neuroscientist's Personal Journey into the Dark Side of the Brain (
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Transcript: My book, The Psychopath Inside, is a memoir and it's a mix of a personal story and what the science is, that is, the psychiatry and the genetics and the neuroscience behind what the subject is which is psychopathy. But it's really a story about somebody, me, who at 60 finds out he's not really who he thought he was all along in his whole life. And not until I had just by serendipity, by chance, started to run across biological evidence first from PET scans, positron emission tomography scans, that I was involved with -- acted as a control in one study in Alzheimer's disease and also had my genetics done. So it was just as a control and to compare to other people with Alzheimer's. And so it was through that about, oh, seven years ago that I found out something very strange. And this something strange both in terms of my brain pattern and genetics happened to run, it intersected with another study I had been doing -- a minor study on looking at PET scans and FMRIs, another kind of brain scan, and SPEC scans of killers, really bad murderers.
And these are particularly bad hombres and some serial killers, et cetera. And I had looked at these and had been asked to analyze them over the years from the early 1990s onward. And about the same time, 2005, when I was doing my own scans for this Alzheimer's study I had a whole group of these killers and also psychopaths and looked at a pattern. I said, My God, there's a pattern in the brain for these guys. And so I started to talk about it, give talks and, you know, at academic institutions and psychiatry departments, law schools, et cetera, just to kind of vet the idea. But at the same time I got this pile of scans back that included my own and these other controls. And I was looking through -- I got to the last scan of that study of the Alzheimer's and I looked at it and I asked my technician. I said, You've got to check the machine because this is obviously one of the killers. One of the murderers. It looked like really a severe case of brain activity loss in a psychopath.
And so when I ultimately they said, No, this is part of -- it's in this control group. And I had to tear back the name on it because I always do everything blind but this was like something's really wrong. And it turned out to be my name. So it was like, you know, Gandalf shows up at the door and you're it. So that started this whole trajectory. Now at first I laughed at it and I just didn't care. We were so busy working on the genetics of Alzheimer's and also schizophrenia and I had just started an adult STEM cell company. And so I was so busy with stuff I kind of let it go for a couple of years really -- about a year and a half. But then the genetics came back and I had all the genetic alleles, the forms of the genes that are associated with a high aggression and violence, psychopathy, and a low kind of empathy, that intrapersonal emotional empathy. And low anxiety.
And when I got that back I started to take a little bit of note but I still didn't care about it. And it wasn't until I ended up giving a talk. I was asked to give a talk with the ex-prime minister of Oslo who had bipolar disorder. And so I went to Oslo to give a public talk with him, the clinician, on bipolar. You know, what's the brain patterns. And I had to use my own example of how you do imaging genetics. Take imaging of the brain, genetics, put it together in a mathematical model and how we figure it out so it can be used for all sorts of psychiatry medicine. And in the audience were all these psychiatrists there and I went through my own pathologies if you will and near clinical syndromes and my genetics and my brain scan. And at the end the head of the department there said, You don't even know this I bet but you're bipolar first of all because you don't have the kind of bipolar in the United States that they use, one of the kinds. So this is interesting. [TRANSCRIPT TRUNCATED]
Directed/Produced by Jonathan Fowler, Elizabeth Rodd, and Dillon Fitton
Words And Gibberish - This Week in Science Podcast - Episode 585
Episode #585 — Words And Gibberish — This week on TWIS (@TWIScience), hosts Dr. Kiki (@drkiki), Blair Bazdarich (@blairsmenagerie) and Justin Jackson (@jacksonfly) discuss this week's science news.
Dr. Kiki, Blair and Justin explore the world of science news with a few of the week's popular stories:
(0:00) - Recording Start - Dr. Kiki sounding like a whispering tiny person saying, I go live now! Also, Aarrr-ing like a pirate.
(0:33) - Show Start, Title - Dr. Kiki.
(0:51) - Intro - Dr. Kiki.
(1:06) - Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer! - Justin
(2:05) - Opening Theme Music.
(2:39) - Opening Good Science! Greetings with Dr. Kiki, Blair and Justin. Intros & Top Story Headlines.
(4:44) - ‘Radiation shield’ found hidden in water bear (Tartigrade) genome - Dr. Kiki,
(9:11) - Earthquakes, ‘Mars-quakes,’ and the possibility of life - Dr. Kiki,
(11:30) - In rotating galaxies, distribution of normal matter precisely determines gravitational acceleration - Dr. Kiki,
(19:40) - Ancient DNA traces extinct Caribbean 'Island Murderer' back to the dawn of mammals - Justin,
(25:40) - Blair's Animal Corner!
(25:53) - Blair's Animal Corner Theme Music.
(26:15) - Pretty Smart Pigeons!: Pigeons can learn to distinguish real words from non-words - Blair,
(37:27) - Mosquitoes & Malaria!: Mosquito preference for human versus animal biting has genetic basis - Blair,
(45:13) - Twitter Poll (@TWIScience)!: Should we genetically modify Mosquitoes to prefer cows to humans, or just get rid of Mosquitoes?
(45:38) - And we're at the break!
(46:10) - Half-Time Theme Music.
(47:09) - This is where you can find out about our Zazzle store ( and supporting us through Paypal ( and Patreon ( Tell more folks about TWIS ( And please leave great reviews for the podcast on iTunes ( More minions, please!
(50:24) - Interstitial Music: George Hrab, Skeptic, from the album Vitriol. (
(51:47) - And we're back from the break!
(51:55) - Psittacosaurus & Dinosaur coloring: What dinosaurs' color patterns say about their lives - Justin,
(1:03:10) - Brain’s hippocampus helps fill in the blanks of language - Dr. Kiki,
(1:11:19) - Human DNA tied mostly to single exodus from Africa long ago (Update) - Justin,
(1:19:54) - KOREAN MICROBOTS!! World’s first ciliary stroke motion microrobots - Dr. Kiki,
(1:23:39) - Animals & Alcohol: Beer yeasts are dogs, wine yeasts are cats - Blair,
(1:25:58) - Star Trek-ish News!: Teleportation of light particles across cities in China and Canada a 'technological breakthrough' - Dr. Kiki,
(1:28:22) - Listening to the body: Study examines the effects of fasting on infections - Dr. Kiki,
(1:32:16) - Detecting emotions with wireless signals - Dr. Kiki,
(1:37:01) - Show Wrap-up & Thank yous.
(1:41:00) - End Theme (with hand/chair dancing & hand-drawn slugs!).
And that's it! Except for..
(1:44:31) - The After Show! - with the hand-drawn banana slug pictures & more.
TWIS will also be Live! at the Maryland STEM Festival ( at the National Aquarium ( — Blair will be ecstatic!) in Baltimore, MD on November 4th.
By the way — Dr. Kiki & TWIS were in Portland, Ore. at the Mini Maker Faire at OMSI ( two weekends ago, live podcast interviews she made can be found here on our YouTube channel: ; and also on audio as Paul Colligan's MakerFaire PDX 2016 Cast on iTunes: .
Listen to the full episode in audio or check out the show notes at our website: !
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